Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Hey guys! So, this is kind of exciting. Lins of The Domesticated Working Woman nominated my blog for the Liebster blog award! So sweet :) If you guys haven't already done so, then you should click the link above and check out Lins' blog. She has some awesome tips for refashioning items from thrift stores. She did a really cool post on how to naturally dye your clothes. dye how-to

The Liebster award is an award that is given to up and coming bloggers, so I am honored to be nominated :)

Here are the rules for receiving this award:

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves. 2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.3. Choose 5 people and link them in your post.4. Go to their page and tell them.5. No tag backs!

1. What initiated your desire to blog? My love for fashion. I read so many fashion blogs, and I just love experimenting with different trends. Rob, my fiance, was the one that encouraged me to take the next step in actually making a blog, though.
 2. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Way too many to count. It's an addiction.
3. What is your favorite accessory? Statement necklaces.
4. What is your favorite "treat"? Ice cream, always.
5. If you found $100 on the street this afternoon, how would you use it? I would like to say wedding fund, but it is more likely that I would spend it on clothes...
6. What store is most represented in your closet? Forever21
7. What is your biggest dream? To work as a Speech Pathologist.
8. If you had a Saturday all to yourself, how would you spend it? With my man!
9. What is your life mantra? Whatever will be, will be. 
10. In five words or less, how do you want your readers to perceive you? Outfit inspiration
11. What album could be the soundtrack for your life? This one is tough. Probably a mixed-tape. 

My Questions:

1. Day or night?

2. What fashion trend would you bring back?

3. What is the best fashion advice you have ever received? 

4. What product can you not live without?

5. What is your favorite place to shop?

6. What is your favorite city?

7. Boots or sandals?

8. What trends are you loving lately?

9. One thing on your bucket list?

10. Who is your celebrity fashion icon?

11.Why do you blog?

My answers to Lins' Questions:

1. I am in school for speech pathology, and I love it.
2. I did a year of law school, and I did not love it, not even a little bit. 
3. I am marrying my best friend next August :)
4. He is actually the one who encouraged me to start this blog.
5. I am so excited for Halloween, mostly because I want to dress up our dogs in adorable/ridiculous costumes. 
6. I am obsessed with ice cream, and I think it is always appropriate to eat it in place of a meal or whenever really.
7. Rob and I celebrate the Chinese New Year even though we are not Chinese. We do love Chinese food, though. That is our main reason for celebrating. 
8. I am horrible at math, and I am always working to improve my grammar! 
9. I was a vegetarian for a year. 
10. I am unfortunately allergic to shellfish. :(
11. I love to eat organic, exercise, and live a healthy lifestyle. 

I choose:

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